Artists of the Dollhouse

Tour the Art Collection

The dollhouse art collection is features work from 15 different artists across the world who’ve either sold or contributed their work to the dollhouse! The dollhouse is all the more special with them in it and I’m thrilled to have their work in the collection. Take a tour of all the artists of the dollhouse and their art in this video below!

Artist Thank You Mementos

You can also check out the little mementos I made for each of the artists below, as a thank you for letting their work be a part of their collection. These little desk mementos feature a tiny window scene with their framed art, two of their favourite books and a little framed photograph!

Once again, a huge thank you to all the artists who allowed their work to be a part of the dollhouse art collection! Check out pictures of their art in the dollhouse over on the Dollhouse page!


Virtually visit the dollhouse with the “I Spy” Filter!