Living out of a suitcase

When Ruchika moved to Providence in 2022, Little R chose to stay back at her dollhouse in India. (It was not a pretty conversation. See episode.) And after a year of living across the world from each other, in the summer of 2023, Ruchika decided to build her a second home – a travelling apartment inside a suitcase.

Constructed by hand from scratch, the suitcase was designed to travel as cabin baggage, pass through airport security and slide into the overhead bin in a flight.

What’s inside?

Built in a little over a month, this little shoebox of an apartment (quite literally…) houses a bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette and living area.

On the Move

In its first two weeks, the suitcase home has already seen Amsterdam, New York and Providence, travelling by flight, train and, of course, the occasional Uber.

All the new friends Little R makes along the way also get to sign in her travel journal!

If you’d like the Travelling Home to visit your city, let us know so we can put you on our wishlist!